API References

Falcon Webhooks

Falcon provides webhooks which can be consumed by the partners. To consume the following webhooks, please share respective endpoints to [email protected].
You can simulate the webhooks in the UAT environment using this portal - http://simulator.stage.uat.kitecash.in/

Virtual Account Transfer (Notify)

This is the webhook for intimation of a Virtual Account transaction event.

Parameter NameJSON Field NameData Type
Customer CodecustomerCodeText
Beneficiary Account NobeneficiaryAccountNoText
Beneficiary Account IFSCbeneficiaryAccountIFSCText
Beneficiary Full NamebeneficiaryFullNameText
Transfer TypetransferTypeText
Transfer Unique No.transferUniqueNoText
Transfer TimetransferTimestampText (YYYY-MM-DD 24HH:MM:SS )
Transfer CurrencytransferCurrencyText
Transfer AmounttransferAmountNumber with Two decimal places
Remitter Account No.remitterAccountNoText
Remitter Account IFSCremitterAccountIfscText
Remitter Account TyperemitterAccountTypeText
Remitter Full NameremitterFullNameText
Remitter AddressremitterAddressText
Remitter to Beneficiary NoteremitterToBeneficiaryNoteText
Attempt NoattemptNoText
Credited AtcreditedAtText (YYYY-MM-DD 24HH:MM:SS )
Retuned AtreturnedAtText (YYYY-MM-DD 24HH:MM:SS )
Sample Request
"customerCode": "TESTX1",
"beneficiaryAccountNo": "TESTX176235233",
"beneficiaryAccountIfsc": "YESB0CMSNOC",
"beneficiaryFullName": "reds",
"transferType": "NEFT",
"transferUniqueNo": "7346tyeghd",
"transferTimestamp": "2018-03-27 17:29:17",
"transferCurrency": "INR",
"transferAmount": 43.00,
"remitterAccountNo": "87654356789",
"remitterAccountIfsc": "hdfc0123456",
"remitterAccountType": "ca",
"remitterFullName": "refd",
"remitterToBeneficiaryNote": "pass",
"attemptNo": 1,
"status": "CREDITED",
"creditedAt": "2017-07-27 11:48:02"


Response BodyHTTP Response Status

KYC Status

This is the webhook for intimation of KYC status for a user.

Parameter NameJSON Field NameData Type
User IduserIdText
KYC ApprovalkycApprovalText
Any one of four values:
DatedateText (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z')
KYC StatuskycStatusText
Any one of two values:
Reason for FailurefailureReasonText
Sample Request
"userId": "01933274-29ee-45bd-a259-999f624a7604",
"kycApproval": "SUCCESS",
"date": "2021-06-22T01:02:47Z",
"kycStatus": "FULL",
"failureReason": "PAN OCR extraction failed"


Response BodyHTTP Response Status

Biometric KYC Agent Details

This webhook is for intimation of biometric KYC agent details.

Parameter NameJSON Field NameData Type
Agent NameagentNameText
Agent IDagentUserIdText
Agent Mobile NumberagentMobileNumberText
Agent DOBagentDateOfBirthText (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z')
Agent Organisation Name (if any)agentOrganisationNameText
Sample Request
"agentName": "Ritesh Singla",
"agentUserId": "645601e1-05e0-4721-a383-9c2d1024b16d",
"agentMobileNumber": "+919988711898",
"agentDateOfBirth": "Sun Aug 10 00:00:00 IST 1997",
"agentOrganisationName": "nonjit"


Response BodyHTTP Response Status

Check ATM Balance

This is the webhook for ATM Balance Enquiry.

Parameter NameJSON Field NameData Type
User IDuserIdText
Card IDcardIdText
Transaction DatetransactionDateText (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z')
Transaction AmounttransactionAmountNumber with Two decimal places
Transaction CurrencytransactionCurrencyText
Payment ChannelpaymentChannelText
Card BalancecardBalanceNumber with Two decimal places
Sample Request
"userId": "f4793f68-fff3-484f-8e4e-ca08672e35d7",
"cardId": "916d629b-fbde-4274-9f5d-c8e562f62fb2",
“transaction”: {
"referenceId": "30000001553499116",
"transactionDate": "2013-09-29T18:46:19Z",
"transactionAmount": 0,
“transactionCurrency”: “INR”,
“paymentChannel”: ”ATM”,
“cardBalance”: ”1500.00”,


Response BodyHTTP Response Status