API References

Falcon Internal Error Messages

Falcon offering a financial API has various scenarios developers can face throughout development. The Falcon API is designed to provide the maximum level of information in case of any error to avoid any inconvenience based on different business scenarios. Here is a list of implemented internal errors for other endpoints.

User API

EndpointScenarioHTTP CodeHTTP MessageError Message (code, field)
Check UserUser not found404NOT_FOUND- Employee does not exist (1001, null)
Check UserInvalid mobile number format400BAD_REQUEST- Mobile Number should be a 10 digit number starting with 6, 7, 8 or 9 (1002, mobileNumber)
Add UserInput fields invalid format400BAD_REQUEST- First Name can contain only alphabets (5050, null)

- Last Name can contain only alphabets (5050, null)

- Mobile Number should be a 10 digit number starting with 6, 7, 8 or 9 (5050, null)

- Date format should be yyyy-mm-dd with valid values (5050, null)

- Date of birth should be in past (1211, null)

- gender can only contain values FEMALE, MALE (1002, gender)

- marriedStatus can only contain values SINGLE, MARRIED (1002, marriedStatus)

- KYC address 1 should be between 1 to 100 characters (1002, address1)

- KYC address 2 should be between 1 to 100 characters (1002, address2)

- KYC address 3 should be between 1 to 100 characters (1002, address3)

- KYC city should be between 1 to 30 characters long (1002, city)

- KYC state should be between 1 to 30 characters long (1002, state)

- KYC zip code is not in correct format (1002, pinCode)

- Delivery address 1 should be between 1 to 100 characters (1002, address1)

- Delivery address 2 should be between 1 to 100 characters (1002, address2)

- Delivery address 3 should be between 1 to 100 characters (1002, address3)

- Delivery city should be between 1 to 30 characters long (1002, city)

- Delivery state should be between 1 to 30 characters long (1002, state)

- Delivery zip code is not in correct format (1002, pinCode)
Add UserUser already registered400BAD_REQUEST- Mobile no already in use. Please enter a different one. (1012, mobile)
Update UserUser not found404NOT_FOUND- Supplied user id does not belong to any registered user (1002, null)
Update UserInput fields invalid format400BAD_REQUEST- First Name can contain only alphabets (5050, null)

- Last Name can contain only alphabets (5050, null)

- Mobile Number should be a 10 digit number starting with 6, 7, 8 or 9 (5050, null)

- Date format should be yyyy-mm-dd with valid values (5050, null)

- Date of birth should be in past (1211, null)

- gender can only contain values FEMALE, MALE (1002, gender)

- marriedStatus can only contain values SINGLE, MARRIED (1002, marriedStatus)

- KYC address 1 should be between 1 to 100 characters (1002, address1)

- KYC address 2 should be between 1 to 100 characters (1002, address2)

- KYC address 3 should be between 1 to 100 characters (1002, address3)

- KYC city should be between 1 to 30 characters long (1002, city)

- KYC state should be between 1 to 30 characters long (1002, state)

- KYC zip code is not in correct format (1002, pinCode)

- Delivery address 1 should be between 1 to 100 characters (1002, address1)

- Delivery address 2 should be between 1 to 100 characters (1002, address2)

- Delivery address 3 should be between 1 to 100 characters (1002, address3)

- Delivery city should be between 1 to 30 characters long (1002, city)

- Delivery state should be between 1 to 30 characters long (1002, state)

- Delivery zip code is not in correct format (1002, pinCode)

Bank API

EndpointScenarioHTTP CodeHTTP MessageError Messages (code, field)
Generate OTPUser not found400NOT_FOUND- Supplied user id does not belong to any registered user (1002, null)
Verify OTPOTP format error400BAD_REQUEST- OTP should be between 4 and 6 characters long (5050, null)
Verify OTPInvalid OTP400BAD_REQUEST- Invalid OTP (6030, R05)
Minimum KYCInvalid token400BAD_REQUEST- Token size must be between 1 and 36 (5050, null)
Minimum KYC - PANInvalid PAN400BAD_REQUEST- PAN is invalid (6030, R133)
Minimum KYC - AADHAARInvalid Aadhaar400BAD_REQUEST- Pa (address) attributes of demographic data did not match (6030, R84)

Card API

EndpointScenarioHTTP CodeHTTP MessageError Messages (code, field)
Get Card DetailsInvalid card id format400BAD_REQUEST- Card Id is not in valid format (1002, cardId)
Get Card DetailsCard not found400BAD_REQUEST- Card not found (2808, null)
Get Card PolicyInvalid card id format400BAD_REQUEST- Card Id is not in valid format (1002, cardId)
Get Card PolicyCard not found400BAD_REQUEST- Card not found (2808, null)
Enable / Disable CardInvalid card id format400BAD_REQUEST- Card Id is not in valid format (1002, cardId)
Enable / Disable CardCard not found400BAD_REQUEST- Card not found (2808, null)
Enable / Disable ChannelInvalid card id format400BAD_REQUEST- Card Id is not in valid format (1002, cardId)
Enable / Disable ChannelCard not found400BAD_REQUEST- Card not found (2808, null)
Block CardInvalid card id format400BAD_REQUEST- Card Id is not in valid format (1002, cardId)
Block CardCard not found400BAD_REQUEST- Card not found (2808, null)


EndpointScenarioHTTP CodeHTTP MessageError Messages (code, field)
Add Physical CardInvalid VPAN format400BAD_REQUEST- VPAN should have 2 uppercase letters followed by 14 digits (1002, cardNumber)
Add Physical CardVPAN already in use400BAD_REQUEST- VPAN KE00000000000119 is already in use (2816, null)
Add Personalized Physical CardCard already created400BAD_REQUEST- User already has an active card (2804, null)
Add Personalized Physical CardUser not found on bank system400BAD_REQUEST- User is not onboarded on bank (2607, null)
Add Personalized Physical CardInsufficient KYC400FORBIDDEN- User KYC not completed (6027, null)
Set Physical Card PinPIN policy violated400BAD_REQUEST- PIN policy violated (6027, null)


EndpointScenarioHTTP CodeHTTP MessageError Messages (code, field)
Add Virtual CardCard already created400BAD_REQUEST- User already has an active card (2804, null)
Add Virtual CardUser not found on bank system400BAD_REQUEST- User is not onboarded on bank (2607, null)
Add Virtual CardInsufficient KYC403FORBIDDEN- User KYC not completed (6027, null)
Get Virtual Card CVVCard not found400BAD_REQUEST- Card not found (2808, null)
Get Virtual Card CVVCard is not virtual400BAD_REQUEST- Card is not virtual (2808, null)
Get Virtual Card CVVCard is disabled400BAD_REQUEST- Card is disabled (2808, null)

Funds API

EndpointScenarioHTTP CodeHTTP MessageError Messages (code, field)
Add FundsInvalid card id format400BAD_REQUEST- Card Id is not in valid format (1002, cardId)
Add FundsCard not found400BAD_REQUEST- Card not found (2808, null)
Add FundsAmount Required400BAD_REQUEST- Amount may not be null (5050, null)
Add FundsInsufficient Balance400BAD_REQUEST- Insufficient Balance (2825, null)

Payment API

EndpointScenarioHTTP CodeHTTP MessageError Messages (code, field)
Perform UPI PaymentAmount Required400BAD_REQUEST- Amount may not be null (5050, null)
Perform UPI PaymentInvalid VPA400BAD_REQUEST- VPA URL is invalid (4500, null)

Report API

EndpointScenarioHTTP CodeHTTP MessageError Messages (code, field)
Get User TransactionsInvalid date format400BAD_REQUEST- Start Date is not in valid format (5050, null)

- End Date is not in valid format (5050, null)
Get User TransactionsInvalid date range400BAD_REQUEST- Start Date is greater than End Date (5050, null)
Get Card TransactionsInvalid card id format400BAD_REQUEST- Card Id is not in valid format (1002, cardId)
Get Card TransactionsCard not found400BAD_REQUEST- Card not found (2808, null)
Get Card TransactionsInvalid date format400BAD_REQUEST- Start Date is not in valid format (5050, null)

- End Date is not in valid format (5050, null)
Get Card TransactionsInvalid date range400BAD_REQUEST- Start Date is greater than End Date (5050, null)


EndpointScenarioHTTP CodeHTTP MessageError Messages (code, field)
Get Enterprise BalanceUnsupported Bank400BAD_REQUEST- Bank name is invalid (1002, bankName)