
Initiate Device Binding

Starts the device binding process by making a device registration request to the server.


contextContextThe application context.
enterpriseIdStringThe enterprise ID of the current user
authorizationStringAuthentication header key (Shared while onboarding)
mobileNumberStringMobile number of the current user
bankStringThe bank identifier. Example: SHIVALIK, UNITY
callbackApiUtils.CallbackCallback to handle the response.


import com.falconfsauth.sdk.FalconSecureSDK;
import com.falconfsauth.sdk.Utils.ApiUtils;

FalconSecureSDK.initiateDeviceBinding(context, enterpriseId, authorizationKey, mobileNumber, bank, new ApiUtils.Callback<String>() {
    public void onSuccess(String response, Integer responseCode) {
      	// response contains json string with the fields shown in Response table
        // Handle success

    public void onError(Exception e) {
        // Handle error


tokenStringThis is the device registration token which will be sent in the verification SMS
virtualMobileNumberStringThis the number where the verification SMS should be sent
keywordStringThis keyword will be used as a prefix in the verification SMS content separated by a space