
Check Binding Status

After the SMS has been successfully sent, call checkBindingStatus to check whether the binding was successful. The function can be polled at a fixed interval to check the updated status. The status field in response can have the following values: PENDING, VERIFIED, EXPIRED.

Successful registration of a device is denoted by VERIFIED status. Once VERIFIED, you can start calling the request function with CHECK_USER action. The CHECK_USER action will create the user and return their userId. This userId is needed for all subsequent requests.


contextContextThe application context.
mobileNumberStringMobile number of the user
bankStringThe bank identifier
callbackApiUtils.CallbackCallback to handle the response.


import com.falconfsauth.sdk.FalconSecureSDK;
import com.falconfsauth.sdk.Utils.ApiUtils;

FalconSecureSDK.checkBindingStatus(context, mobileNumber, bank, new ApiUtils.Callback<String>() {
    public void onSuccess(String response, Integer responseCode) {
        // Handle success

    public void onError(Exception e) {
        // Handle error


stateStringThis will be either PENDING or VERIFIED. The state changes from PENDING to VERIFIED if the verification SMS was sent from the registered number successfully. The state will change to EXPIRED if the device binding was re-initiated
deviceToken (DEPRECATED)StringThis is the device registration token which will be used to generate request tokens. The SDK internally generates tokens for the requests. The partner app can ignore this field from the response. Will be removed in the upcoming versions of the SDK.
secret (DEPRECATED)StringThis is the totpSecret that will be used to generate the request token. The SDK internally generates tokens for the requests. The partner app can ignore this field from the response. Will be removed in the upcoming versions of the SDK.