
Best Practices

Top acknowledged practices that we suggest the developers to follow.

Up-to-Date Integration

Falcon API frequently enhances its core product and is actively developing and enhancing its endpoints. By using the newest API version, you will ensure that your app has access to the latest resources. You will also be better positioned to provide a user experience consistent with what merchants will see in their Falcon integrated applications. To stay up to date, bookmark our changelog.

Anticipating Changes

At Falcon, we make a distinction between Breaking and Non-Breaking changes.

Breaking Changes

Any breaking changes listed below will always be made with early warning via our developer change-log and other channels. There are several exceptional cases. Falcon will make breaking changes without warning to non-production staging API.

  • Removal of a field from an API response.
  • Changing the data type of a field.
  • Changing the structure of an object.
  • Removal of an entire endpoint.
  • Adding a new required field to a POST/PUT body.

Non-Breaking Changes

We encourage developers to write code against our API that will not break if an endpoint begins returning additional fields. We will push these non-breaking changes to the code base without warning as part of our normal development.

  • Adding a new field to a GET response.
  • Adding a new optional field to a POST/PUT body.
  • Adding new endpoints.