API References

Falcon APIs Simulator

Falcon offers its partners a live environment to build and test all the features without having to test all the 3rd party integrations. With Falcon Simulator, our partners are able to do all of the API integrations in a real quick time because of the system availability and uptime.

Without a lengthy setup process, commercial discussions, compliance calls or bank relationships, Simulator allows our partners to go from zero to making an online purchase with a card they issued, in minutes.

Onboarding to the Simulator environment is made fairly easy with us. You only need to follow the below steps and then are good to integrate and test our APIs:

Write to us on “[email protected]“ with a simple brief of your Business requirements
Our sales team will reach out to you to understand and discuss the use case
We will share Simulator credentials with you
You can then start integrating with our APIs and develop your products without any delay

What all you can test in the simulator environment?

Following is the list of APIs available in the simulator environment. You can start developing your product integrating with these set of APIs.

User APIs :

API NameAPI Description
Add UserThis endpoint takes a mobile number as an input and fetches the complete profile of the user associated with that mobile number.
Check userThis API on-boards a customer to Falcon and returns a 36 character long UUID field called User ID that is unique for every on-boarded customer.
Update userThis API updates the details of an existing Falcon customer.


Minimum KYC :

API NameAPI Description
Generate OTPThis API initiates the process of on-boarding an existing Falcon customer to a bank by generating and sending an OTP to the registered mobile number of that customer.
Verify OTPThis API is the second step of the bank on-boarding process and verifies the OTP that has been generated by the Generate OTP API.
Min KYC (Aadhar/PAN)This API is the third & the last step in the bank onboarding process and accepts the minimum KYC details of the user along with the token that has been generated by the Verify OTP API.

Cards APIs :

API NameAPI Description
Get CardThis API fetches the details of a given card.
Enable/Disable CardThis API enables or disables an active card.
Block CardThis API permanently blocks an active card.
Get Channel StatusThis API fetches the current channel status of a given card.
Get Card PolicyThis API fetches the policies applied to a given card.
Enable/ Disable channelThis API enables or disables the specified payment channel. A payment channel is the mode using which the payment is made and can contain one of following values.
Change Card PolicyThis API changes policies of an active card
Virtual to Physical card ConversionThis API converts a virtual card to a physical card
Replace blocked CardThis API replaces a blocked card to a new active card.
Add non Personalised CardThis API is used to link a pre-ordered non-personalized physical card to an existing customer. Card is successfully linked even if the user has no KYC on the bank, however the user can start using the card only after a successful Minimum or Full KYC on the bank.
Set Physical card PINThis API is used to issue a personalised physical card to an existing customer. The user is required to be at least minimum KYC on the bank.
Get CVVThis API fetches the card CVV. It is applicable only to virtual cards and not to physical cards.
Add virtual cardThis API is used to issue a virtual card to an existing customer. The user is required to be at least minimum KYC on the bank.

Gift Cards :

API NameAPI Description
Fetch Gift Card ImageThis API enables you to fetch the list of Gift Card designs approved by the Bank. Using this API, the user can select from the list of Gift Card designs available.
Add Physical Gift CardUsing this API you can issue Physical gift cards to your users. The Physical cards can be used for online purchases and POS transactions. These cards can not be used for ATM withdrawals.
Add Virtual Gift CardUsing this API you can issue Virtual gift cards to your users. The Physical cards can be used for online purchases only. These cards can not be used for ATM withdrawals.

Funds :

API NameAPI Description
Add FundsThis API loads funds to a card. It is not applicable to the JIT stack.


The Payout can be managed via IMPS and UPI modes.The API details are as given below.


API NameAPI Description
Add Beneficiary This API allows a user to add beneficiary bank account details. There are two options:
Transfer to Yes Bank account- Only mobile number is required
Transfer to other bank account- IFSC and account number are required
Get All BeneficiaryThis API will give you details of all the previously added beneficiaries for a user.The beneficiary details will include the following details:
Name of the Beneficiary Mobile Number
Bank Account IFSC
IMPS TransferThis API is used to transfer funds from an active card of a user to an already added beneficiary bank account.


API NameAPI Description
Device RegistrationThis API will be used by the partner to onboard a PPI account holders’ android device for UPI services.
VPA ValidationThis API will be used by the partner to check if a user entered virtual payment address/UPI Id is available to be assigned or not to the user.The available VPA can be assigned to a user.
VPA RegistrationThis API will be used by the partner to on-board Prepaid users on UPI ecosystem.Using this API,the user will be registered with a UPI handle mapped to his prepaid account.
Send PayoutThis API will be used by the partner for initiating payment to any VPA/UPI Id or QR code.


API NameAPI Description
Get Card transactionsThis API fetches a list of all transactions in which the card is involved. The list is based based on a date range that is given as request parameters in the URL
Get User TransactionsThis API fetches a list of all transactions in which the user is involved. The list is based on a date range that is given as request parameters in the URL.

Enterprise API :

API NameAPI Description
Get Enterprise BalanceThis API fetches the enterprise or the company pool balance for a given bank. Unlike most other APIs, It does not expect User Id in the request header.
Get Enterprise configurationThis API fetches the encrypted key for the enterprise. Unlike most other APIs, It does not expect User Id in the request header.

Simulating APIs

To test all the above APIs for the positive and negative scenarios, please refer to the link below. Please note the below points for testing the above APIs:

  1. For testing Positive scenarios, test the above APIs with random mobile number i.e. any mobile number other than mentioned in document for negative scenarios, it will give positive response.
  2. If you want to test any specific Negative scenario then you'll have to use mobile numbers / scenarios mentioned in this document for that particular error scenario.

Simulating Webhooks

To simulate the webhooks, you can go to this portal to simulate various responses. The responses will hit the API endpoints you provide us at [email protected]